Just a quick post to say sorry for not updating this blog in quite some time. I've been surrounded by loads of work and I have very little time to read as of now. Of course I can try and read a book or two. But I face the risk of getting annoyed by forcing myself to read a book and also, as much as I love books and my blog, work definitely comes first.
This isn't goodbye or anything. But till I work things out in my schedule, I won't be posting much here. I shall try and hop by and comment on some of my favourite blogs when I can. Hope all of you bloggers are having a wonderful, not-so-stressed out time unlike me :)
I'm currently reading (albeit very slowly) Ramachandra Guha's 900+ page long 'story of the world's largest democracy' India After Gandhi and enjoying it tremendously. It's informative with a rich and poignant narrative. I'm also reading Indu Sundaresan's The Twentieth Wife, which has been fascinating so far. Happy reading :)