Greetings! I'm Lady Cromwell of England. My father, Lord Cromwell travels extensively; his most recent sojourn was in India. Back after his long voyage, he is very much eager to be part of a ball in Pemberley where a Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy will play host. My father is equally anxious to have me attend the ball and make me part with my library and those books that I so inexplicably adore.
As befits any 'young lady' in England, I am expected to make myself presentable for this supposedly grand event and make new acquaintances. I've heard that the beauty of Pemberley is unmatched by any house in the vicinity. So that's one thing to look forward to, along with the much-appreciated collection of books in the famed library there.
This is my gown for the ball:
My Mr. Darcy:

To RSVP for yourself please head on over to Velvet's blog vvb32 reads !
Indeed, most delicious dress! And your image is most sweet. Your likeness of Darcy flutters the heart ;-D
Dahling, I look forward to your attendance.
-Lady Vee
I love your dress, it is really beautiful!
I hope you make your acquaintace in the ball. :)
Thank you Lady Vee =)
Thanks a lot Milka! I hope I make the acquaintance too ;)
Hi Kals,
Thanks so much for attending the Pemberley Ball.
I had a fabulous time at the virtual party. Hope you did too.
For your participation, I'd like to send you a souvenir.
Please send me your mailing address.
Velvet aka Lady Vee
vvb32 at
ps: apologies for the unmentionables outbreak. i'll make sure to keep them at bay with the next austen event ;-D
Mailing you now, thanks! =)
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