This time round, I shall just make note of scenes that I adored and some that I thought could have been better:
Great stuff:
Absolutely love Barbara Leigh Hunt as Lady Catherine de Bourgh. I thought no one would capture Lady Catherine as well as Dame Judi Dench did, but Barbara Leigh Hunt does a very convincing job.
David Bamber is perfect as Mr. Collins- his absolutely annoying descriptions of everything from the window to the closet, his repeated aplogies and praise for Lady Catherine, his extremely awkward 'love' for Charlotte. He's so good that he makes you shudder at the thought of Mr. Collins.
Anthony Calf as Col. Fitzwilliam is perfect and just how I imagined him to be: pleasing, polite and very charming.
God bless Pemberley! It's pretty obvious to all, I think, that I'm a fan of Pemberley ( See blog title ) and this version of Pemberley is absolutely delightful indeed. And here, I also have to confess that the famous wet white shirt scene didn't enamour me as much as Lizzie gazing tenderly at Darcy's portrait did.
Did I mention how annoyingly perfect Julia Sawalha is as Lydia? She's played Lydia so well that I just feel like rushing into the TV screen and giving Lydia a piece of my mind.
Absolutely love the house-keeper at Pemberley talking about Darcy. When she speaks about him, her eyes gleam, seemingly filled with fond memories. That scene is quite enough to make me fall in love with Darcy, I think.
Georgiana hugging Darcy is such an 'Aww..' moment :D
Jennifer Ehle is as near-perfect as any actress playing Lizzie can ever get.
Not- so- great stuff:
The first proposal in the room was so...dare I say it....flat? And no, I'm not asking for a wet Darcy proposing in the pouring rain, but Firth's Darcy just seemed as cold as ever in his proposal to Lizzie. I'd have liked him to be a bit more.....passionate.
I thought Lizzie wasn't quite as angry with Wickham as she should be, when she meets him after getting to know about his true nature, via Darcy's letter.
Wickham was very boring, to me at least.
The Firth meter:
Ah well, I still have mixed feelings for Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. There are some scenes were I can understand his appeal and his portrayal of Darcy, but in some scenes, I find him just a bit vacant. Having said that, I love him at Pemberley, especially when he talks to Lizzie, enquiring if she likes Pemberley and ascertaining how much her opinion matters to him.
As for the wet white shirt scene, it reminded me of two things. Just my opinion, of course:
One: Elliot Cowan in Lost in Austen was so much hotter. " Is that agreeable?" Very much so, sir.
Two: It reminded me of Bridget Jones 2: Edge of Reason where Bridget interviews Colin Firth ( to know about the 'complex man behind the wet white shirt') about his latest film and just cannot stop talking about his wet white shirt, though he tries to wade away from the topic. Anyone who's read or watched the second of the Bridget Jones series would know just about how hilarious that is!
So yes, Firth as Darcy does grow on me.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to the final two episodes tomorrow :)
You are right about Mr. Collins - that actor nailed it! So glad you are enjoying the BBC version of P&P!
Thank you :) It's quite as wonderful as I imagined it to be.
I hope you enjoy the final two episodes! I completely agree that Firth as Darcy sometimes fell a little flat or dispassionate in some scenes. So if I want some passion out of him I always go to Matthew McFadyen's portrayal!
Even though this is supposed to be the best movie version of the book I still haven't seen it yet. I must change that to see if Colin Firth lives up to all the hype!
p.s. I gave you a blogging award on my site. :)
hmsgofita- You summed it up perfectly :)I'm looking forward to seeing more of Firth in the final two episodes :)
Thank you so very much! This is my very first award and I'm very glad that you're enjoying following my somewhat random and some times too rambling thoughts :P
And I do totally recommend that you see this adaptation. I'm quite sure you'll love it :)
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