At the extent of being repetitive, I have got to commend the excellent actors. They were truly fantastic.
Starting with scenes I absolutely adored:
Lizzie playing the pianoforte at Pemberley. Darcy gazing at her, a teasing smile in place. I confess I absolutely loved Colin Firth there! Caroline then brings up the topic of Mr. Wickham, which makes Lizzie run to Georgiana and change the topic. Darcy looks at her again - oh how looks speak more than just about anything!- and Lizzie glances at him. There. That moment, at last, there was chemistry! I had waited long for signs of some passion and some real chemistry and it was well worth the wait.
Darcy snubbing Caroline is great. Lizzie's entire angry conversation with Lady Catherine de Bourgh is one of the best moments of the series, for sure.
Ah, Mrs. Bennet! She was perfection itself. Mrs. Bennet winking at Kitty, Lizzie and Mary while trying to leave Jane and Bingley alone to themselves is definitely the funniest moment of the series.
Julia Sawalha's Lydia was great. She was very very exasperating. Absolutely annoying and a tad cruel. Benjamin Whitrow's flawed Mr. Bennet was skillfully done. Again, how much I love that Austen's characters are always flawed! Brings so much reality to the character.
Jennifer Ehle- what a magnificent performance! She is such a class act.
The double-wedding was beautiful. Caroline Bingley's expression as she sees two of her greatest schemes entirely ruined, is priceless.
I still do prefer the second proposal in the Matthew Macfadyen version. Yes, he was so much more passionate. But Firth is quite good in his own way- I enjoyed his portrayal. I don't think I can quite compare him with Matthew Macfadyen, because though they played the same character, a TV series and a film, are never quite to be compared in the same league.
My final verdict? Watch this version and enjoy yourself. It is as good as it is hyped to be, which is saying something. It makes you adore and fall more in love with everything Austen, if that is at all possible.
This brings my Austen challenge list to 2/12. I'm reading Pride and Prejudice now ( for the 7th time, I think) and I hope to get the review up soon :)
Also, thank you so much Colette at A Buckeye Girl Reads for picking my blog amongst your favourites for an award :)
And this hilarious comic strip by MissKVK on Photobucket, I felt, needed to be shared:
I'm so glad you enjoyed the whole P&P! Now that I think about it the movie and the tv movie in a way can't be compared! They are both excellent in their own spheres! Bravo! Thanks for your reviews on this excellent miniseries.
I'm really glad that you enjoyed the mini-series!
Thanks a lot Stephanie :) I'm planning to buy the series for my birthday.
hmsgofita- Thanks a lot for following the reviews for this series. It was great fun reviewing them minutes after I finished watching them :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!
So did you think the pond scene was highly overrated? I don't understand the big hype is about. But I did see the 2005 version first - so maybe that's it.
Oh yes, I think it is overrated. I think Firth is so very sexy in so many other scenes. Elliot Cowan in lost in Austen totally wins the wet white shirt look for me :D
That could be it too. I always have a great attachment to the version I read/see first :)
LOL I think Elliot definitely takes the cake for best wet shirt! I love the 1995 version of P&P but I haven't seen it for a while so I guess that's why i made it a part of my Everything Austen challenge! Great blog BTW!!
Thanks a lot! :)
I'm sure you'll enjoy watching the series again! It's so great that the Everything Austen challenge not only lets us get to know new things about Austen, but also makes us go back to the Austen-related things we love which we probably wouldn't do so otherwise.
Can't wait to watch this (again) for the challenge!
I know! I just watched it a couple of days ago, but I'm looking forward to a re-watch soon :)
I finally saw the BBC series and I absolutely loved it. I have yet to watch 2005 movie. I did some more research about "Pemberley" and learned that people can actually visit the place. I am so going there. :-)
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