I've missed this blog so much, thanks to going down with a bad bout of flu, not to mention a particularly nasty cough and cold. It was a bad week and I'm hoping the coming weeks are much better. I haven't had the energy to do a lot of reading, but I did manage re-reading Harry Potter. Boy how much I love that series!
I'm in the mood for feel-good fiction. If anyone has any recommendations, do let me know :)
And thanks so much Velvet at vvb32reads for giving me the Heartfelt Award. I'm so glad you think this blog's worth such an amazing award :)

kals, i hope you feel better soon. here's another for ya...
you've just been awarded...
The best feel-good fiction I've read in a long time (beside my favorite P&P) is Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. A real adult fairy tale! Hope you're feeling better soon.
Thanks Velvet for another award! :) Yes, I'm better now :)
Thank you JoAnn and I'll be sure to try that book next. I remember there's a film by the same name starring Scarlett Johansson? I've wanted to check that out too :)
I'm glad you are feeling better. The last feel good book I read was Good Things by Mia King.
kals, one more...
btw: you've just been awarded...again ;-D
Thanks so much Velvet, that is so kind of you :)
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